Manage Applicability of Preferred Process for Electrical Redesign  (MAPPER)

Background: MAPPER is an electrical design system used to import, and record data for all aerospace wire configuration.

Project Type: Research

Problem: Over the past year, users kept complaining about connectivity errors within the system that prevented or delayed them from completing their tasks.

User Types: Locations A/B based electrical designers

Goal: Wire design team wants UX specialists to investigate all issues faced by the team, gather qualitative and quantitative feedback and present findings to IT director to encourage a tool replacement or remedy.

Time Constraint: 3 month deadline


  1. Initial meeting to understand project problem and requirements

  2. Kick-Off with stakeholders to present UX plan and process

  3. User access and training to understand the tool in depth

  4. Heuristic Evaluation

  5. Journey map to understand location of user error

  6. User surveys and Interviews conducted

  7. Feedback gathered and presented to obtain user requested changes

(Images and graphs have been left out to abide by proprietary requirements)


•Gather quantitative feedback from both primary roles: wire designers and IT support

•Work with engineers to collect, analyze, and quantify errors and time lost

•List all the pain points in a quantitative matter

•Collect all process inefficiencies

•Bring issues to light on lost time

•Analyze time and productivity loss


  • Journey Map creation with stakeholders to record system process and error location

  • User Interviews were conducted with wire design team and IT support team between the West and East coast to understand the differences in errors and pain points faced by users in separate locations.

  • Fifteen wire designers in both locations were selected to interview

  • Two IT support specialists in both locations were selected to interview

  • Participants were semi-randomly selected to ensure population diversity

  • Virtual and in-lab interviews were conducted


    Virtual Interviews:

    •Sent outlook meeting invitations for interview sessions

    •Sessions were 15-30 minutes held over WebEx

    •Asked series of interview questions based on research questions and user persona (Designer or IT support)

    In-Lab Interviews

    •Sent outlook meeting invitations for interview sessions

    •Met with users in person to hold 15-30 minute interview sessions

    •Asked series of 10-15 interview questions based on research questions and user persona (Designer or IT Support)

    User Research Questions

  • A/B testing  and interviews were performed to understand the following errors and how they differed by location. 

    • Main error type encountered

    • Frequency of Errors encountered

    • Error location within the tool

    • Main pain points 

      IT Support Research Questions

      A/B testing  and interviews were performed to understand the following errors and how they differed by location. 

      • Frequency of IT support help needed

      • Number of requests in a day

      • Main method of contact and process

      • Connectivity error ticket requests

      • Non-satisfactory complaints outside of connectivity errors

      • Process length to complete single user’s request

      • Calculation of loss of productivity

Quantitative Research Findings

  • Users in both locations  encountered slow connection & erroneous warning messages daily

  • l location A. users also reported connectivity errors daily (Location B. experienced none)

  • 80% of location A.  users reported constant screen timeouts.

  • 50% of location B.  users reported constant screen timeouts. 

  • All location A. users stated they experienced one or more errors during every task attempted

  • 50% of location B. users experienced one or more errors during every task attempted

  • 50% of location B. users stated they experienced errors half of the time.

  • When shown a journey map, all users in both locations also agreed that these errors delayed or prevented them from delivering bundles by their deadlines while waiting for IT support or manually pushing through bundles themselves

  • All  location A. users felt that the tool had constant connectivity errors, was overly time consuming and wasn’t intuitive or user friendly.

  • 50% of location B.  users found the tool lacking intuition, was not user friendly and was overly time consuming

    Business Benefit

  • The final result provided qualitative and quantitative proof that users had been dealing with overwhelming connectivity errors and an outdated tool. Both teams were granted a new application that fit UX standards and recommendations I provided to aid in successfully completing their statement of work.


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